School Placement

collegeStudents from Renascentia Hall International Program are accepted at prestigious colleges and universities around the world. We are focused on preparing our students, through both academics and extracurricular activities, to be competent and welcomed at the universities of their choice. We nurture each student to become highly-motivated self-starters who are well-equipped to navigate the world throughout life.

In high school, our college guidance counseling expands into a four-year exploration of self-assessment and college investigation. At every Renascentia Hall high school, counseling staff help students and families navigate the application process by guiding students through a process of self-discovery and by helping to demystify the increasingly complex world of higher education.

In our experience, the most crucial factor for success is knowing our students and presenting him or her to the college with an insider’s knowledge. We put together a portfolio for each of our students and write personal letters of recommendation, giving the prospective college or university a 360-degree view of the child, bringing his or her special talents to the forefront.

Our counselors don't just focus on placing top achievers in the best universities. We have tremendous success in finding the right fit for students at every academic level.